Sunday, November 10, 2013


The Lord gave us standards that he expects for us to uphold.  One of the top ten is "Honor thy mother and father".  We've all heard that one.  We teach it to our children very early.   The commandment is spoken of so often that even people who aren't Christians know it by heart.  In and out of our ears it flows and it is sweet as honey to us, until we have to eat it.  What do I mean?  Well, what I mean is that sometimes we forget that the commandment doesn't just apply to kids.  We adults have a mother and father that God expects for us to honor.  Leaving from under our parents roofs and being freed from their reign doesn't release us from the commandment.  After all,  the commandment wasn't written as "honor thy father and mother until you get grown and on your own".  No matter how old we are or how long we've been out of the nest, our parents still care for and are concerned about us.  So honor them and care for them as they did and still do for you.  It doesn't take much. Call them just to say hello and see how they're doing.  Go by and visit.  Help them take care of some errands, chores, or tasks. Do something with them that they enjoy.  However possible, let them know that you love them by showing it. It's also important to directly tell them that you love them and that you appreciate the things they have done for you.  Don't assume that they already know.

Some of us may have parents who don't seem worthy of our love or respect.  Wehave to remember that we are unworthy of God's love, but he chooses to love us anyway.  We should extend the same Godly love to our parents.  We can honor them by praying to God in their behalf.  Others may have parents who have done unspeakable things that makes it near impossible to contend with them.  Pray for that parent from a distance.  God may never require  contact with that parent, but he still doesn't want us to hold on to the anger and pain they caused us to feel.  For wounds that deep, we need to get on our knees and pray to God to help us with these feelings.   
One thing about parents is that they are only able to put out what was put into them when they were being raised. Most often times when they hurt us, it is acts of ignorance not intention. Keep that in mind.   
At the end of the day, like-love-or hate them, God allowed us to be born through them.  So honor them for that. 
The Bible tells us that our life-span is connected to our following of the 'honor thy father and mother' commandment.  It also says that we should honor this commandment if we want things to be well with us.  To me that says that this commandment is important to God and what's important to God, should be important to us.

Exodus: 20:12  Honor your father and mother: that your days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God gives thee.

Ephesians 6:2,3 Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise.  That it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth.

Lord you have commanded us to show honor to our parents.  Help us obey this commandment and to honor our parents in ways that are pleasing to your sight.  Help us to love our parents as you love us; beautifully.

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