Sunday, August 25, 2013

Why Wait

Have you introduced your children to our Savior?  It's good for them to know that there is someone who loves them even more than you.  We, as parents, will fail our children at some point in time.  It will not be intentional.  It will simply be the result of our humanity.  There will also be times when our children just won't feel comfortable addressing certain concerns that they have with us.  Even if they did share everything with us, we still wouldn't be able to help them with everything.  So they need to understand that they have a Father who is able and willing to attend to all of their needs.  Introduce your kids to God.  When you wake Sunday morning and prepare to go to church, get them up and take them too.  Let them witness your worship.  When you make choices in your life in the interest of honoring God, share with them why you make the choices.  Don't just expose them to religion and ritualistic Christianity.  Show them that you are a friend of God.  When you hum a tune of worship while riding in the car, they'll hear.  When you are cozy in bed holding the Bible as your reading choice for the night, they'll notice.  When you take time to pray with your kids, they'll remember.  They may not understand or acknowledge the example that you are setting while they are young (some will), but wait and watch.  Time will march on and it will become apparent in the lives of your children that you have left a legacy of involving God in everyday life.  So don't wait.  Invite Jesus into your kids lives now so later they can choose to invite him into their hearts.
Mark 10: 13,14
 And they brought young children to him, that he should touch them: and his disciples rebuked those that brought them. But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.
Lord draw our children into a relationship with you.  May our children know you, serve you, fellowship with you, and love you from generation to generation. Help us leave a legacy of worship.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

A Gift

You've been walking around with your shoulders drooping, countenance fallen, and eyes blazing for about.....five to ten years now.  You've even managed to develop at least ten distinctly different frowning faces to display your precise level of dissatisfaction.  People are starting to wonder if you have a muscle disorder that prohibits you from smiling, because in the last few years they've known you your pearly whites have yet to surface.  Come on... you're a Christian. If anyone should have reason to be joyful, it's you.  You have a savior who put his life on the line so that you can have a better shot at living yours to the fullest.  The Bible says that Jesus came to give us life, and not just any ordinary life. He came so we could live life abundantly.  Don't waste your days being angry about things from your past or being upset over things that are out of your control in the present.  You're missing out on so much.  Seek out a trustworthy confidant that can help you work through the inner issues of your heart so you can get past them and really live again.  Prayer is a great for that. Then face each day with the intent of enjoying people and purposely enjoying the simple pleasures. Be resolved to embrace the hope and possibilities that come with each new horizon.  Each day is a gift.

Psalm 144:15 Happy is that people whose God is the Lord
Proverbs 16:20 whoso trusts in the Lord, happy is he
Psalm 35:9 my soul shall be joyful in the Lord

Lord help me get to the root of our unhappiness then steer me beyond it.  Please restore my joy.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

A Fear to Desire

Fear has many faces.  There is a fear that warns.  This fear is a tool that indicates when something is out of place or that we are in over our heads.  It is helpful in that it comes only when necessary and its intent is to let us know that we need to seek out God's guidance/help in the situation. Then there is the spirit of fear.  This fear is not from God.  It is a vice of the enemy.  This fear often cries wolf causing one to be overly concerned and cautious when there is no need.  The spirit of fear stifles, hinders, and can be very damaging.  Then there is a third kind of fear.  This fear is beautiful and beneficial.  It is a blessing if you obtain it.  It is a fear to desire.

I know the thought of desiring any kind of fear seems wrong, but walk with me for a minute and I'll explain.  Have you ever been to court?  You go into the courtroom and you dress appropriately, you unplug yourself from your devices, and you behave yourself as professionally as you know how.  You address the judge as your honor, judge, or at the least sir/mam.    There is an element of fearing doing anything to disrespect the judge.  The fear is not about you being afraid.  The fear is a recognition of the judges authority.  You know that he can charge you fines or even sentence you to jail.  More than that you know that the ultimate goal of the judge is to keep everyone safe and orderly.  So you choose to honor and respect the authority of that judge.  This is the kind of fear of which I speak.   This is the kind of fear to desire.

We should desire to fear God. That is not to mean we should be afraid of him as though he is an unapproachable tyrant. No. Fearing God is holding him in the highest regard in recognition of the fact that he has all power and sovereignty. The Bible has many scriptures about the fear of the Lord and it is definitely something to want for.  In Psalm 111:10 the Bible says the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.  We can gain all the knowledge in the world, but we need wisdom to know how to manage that knowledge properly.  The fear of the Lord  precedes that wisdom.  So if we don't fear the Lord, we are limiting our potential in a major way.  There's more.  In Proverbs 10:27, the Bible says the fear of the Lord prolongs our days.  Proverbs 22:4 tells us that the fear of the Lord brings riches, honor, and life.  In Psalms 25:14 we learn that the secret of the Lord is with them that fear him and he will shew them His covenant.  Psalm 112:2 tells us that the descendants of those that fear the Lord shall be blessed and mighty in the earth.  In Psalm 25:12 it tells us that those who fear God receive great mercy.  

The promises of God go on and on in the Bible.  Fearing God gives us access to many of them.  Study the fear of God and I'll think you'll agree.  Fearing God is indeed a fear to desire.  

Psalm 147:11 The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him, in those that hope in his mercy

Lord give it to us to reverently and worshipfully fear you and you alone.

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Love Beyond Fear

How do you love without fear. The majority of us share a guarded love, because experience has taught us that people will mishandle our love.  We are talking about love in all forms: romantic, parental, friendly, or whatever the case may be.  There is a silent, inconspicuous fear present that the love we are experiencing will, sooner or later, cause us pain. If we are parents, we try to protect our kids from everything. We try to protect them from things that we really have no business trying to protect them from.  But we love them deeply and fear the love that we have for them would crush us if it were taken away.  We love our spouse.  We share ourselves with them. But we operate our relationship in a way that limits our acts of love for them out of the fear that they will damage our love.  We treat our friends the same way.  It is clear to us now that they are also human and will inevitably disappoint us.  So we will only go so far for them.  Why? We fear what bad things will come of our love.
In John 4:18 the Bible says that there is no fear in love.  Really? How can that be?  How can there be no fear in love? Well, let's start with what love really is. In I Corinthians 13, God gives us a clear picture of love.  Love is patience and kindness.  Love doesn't envy.  It isn't prideful, rude, and doesn't act selfishly. Love isn't easily angered. Love doesn't take pleasure in sin or evil doing. Love takes pleasure in truth. Love deals with a lot, believes in people, is hopeful, and stands up to everything. Love doesn't fail.  So then love isn't that warm and fuzzy feeling a person gives you. Love is selflessness. Love is putting the other person before ourselves.  Fear is quite different.  The root of fear is selfishness, or at the very least self-preservationism. Fear, any kind of fear, is in essence a sense of needing to protect one's self from something or someone.  Fear always boils down to us thinking of ourselves. So, if everything that is love is selfless, than fear has no part in love.

I believe that we do have moments that we love purely.  Once again it has nothing to do with our feelings. It's actions that we take that are love.  Fear may rear it's head, but we get past it and love beyond the fear. For example, you remain patient with a troublesome neighbor who is less than friendly.  You share a kind word and a warm smile with them though it will likely not be reciprocated.  That's love. remain hopeful for a troubled child. You help them though they are undeserving and regardless of the fact that you may end up with the short end of the stick. That's love.  Or...your marriage has been difficult and has had some extremely rough patches. You both wanted to throw in the towel sometimes, but each of you never really wanted to hurt the other. You withstand the trials together and look out after each other no mater what.  That is love. Sometimes these selfless acts come easily and naturally. Sometimes they are a choice.  Either way you've put someone else before yourself. You have loved.
So, yes, we love and, yes, we fear.  We just don't fear while we are truly acting out of love.  When we act out of love, we cast out our concerns and love beyond the fear.  

I John 4:7-8
Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loves is born of God, and knows God. He that doesn't love doesn't know God; for God is love.

Lord, help us to get past ourselves and love beyond our fears.