Monday, March 18, 2013

Before You Get On

Are you in a situation?  The situation is dismal and there's nothing you can do to turn it around.  Life can sometimes flood us with problems.  Or sometimes life just throws us one problem, but that problem is so insurmountable that it begins to overtake everything around us.   I have bad news.  You could be dealing with something that you can't do anything about.   Not what you wanted to hear I know, but keep reading.  Good news follows.  In the Bible there were situations that were going to happen that could not be stopped.  The flood was one of them.  God's people had been so rebellious and evil was so great in the land, God decided to flood the earth.  Once God made that decision, there was no turning back.  It was going to happen.  For 40 days it would rain.  The earth was going to flood. Pretty much every living thing in the world was doomed to die.  God had a devout follower, though, named Noah. God forewarned Noah about what was going to happen. Though Noah knew tragedy was about to strike, he could not stop the flood from happening.  Still God gave Noah a plan for riding the flood out.  In fact, the plan was so detailed that Noah was able to build something no one had ever built to prepare for something no one had ever yet experienced.  That's awesome when you think about it. There would be a catastrophic flood.  Noah would inevitably be trapped in the midst of a horrifying situation.  People and things that had become important to Noah would be stripped away from him, painfully.  But this is what is awesome... Before the problem had ever arisen, before Noah ever stepped foot on the boat, before Noah lost everything;  God was already preparing Noah to overcome and to move forward in spite of it all.  God had Noah build a boat to get over the treacherous waters and God even instructed Noah to take his wife, his sons and their wives, and animals each with a mate along for the ride.  Though death would be all around Noah's boat and though life, as Noah once knew it, was about to be over; God had already placed the regenerators of the next phase of Noah's life right on the boat with him. The family he would lose: the regenerators were on the boat.  The sustenance that would not sustain through the flood, God already had regenerators on the boat.  God even had the plants already in the process of forming new buds before he allowed Noah to get off.  So when the floods ended and it was time for Noah to get off the boat, as soon as he stepped off he would instantly be breathing in new life.  So whatever catastrophe you face, know this.  God is with you.  He will never leave or forsake you.  If a phase of your life is coming to a painful close, understand that he already has a new beginning in the works.  He is amazing and he stands with those who stand for him. 

Prayer:  God, praise you. You are awesome. We pray you will help us to understand that your sovereignty and omnipotence are greater than any problem that is insurmountable for us.  Help us to see that nothing is too hard for you and that you never leave us or forsake us.

Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans that I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.

Deuteronomy 31:8  The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

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