Sunday, December 9, 2012

Feeling Cramped?

Feeling cramped? Do you keep trying to spread your wings in your place of employment, but no matter what you do you can't get them fully opened? You work hard everyday, day after day, but the results are mostly mediocre. Even when the results are great, you still feel unfulfilled. Something is wrong with that.  It is an indication that you are not working your gift. Your gift is that thing that God has given you that you  are  powerfully good at doing.  In Proverbs 18:16, the Bible says that a man's gift will make room for him and bring him before greats.  So if you are feeling like what you are doing now is boxing you in, you are probably not working your gift.  What is that you do in your spare time that you are awesome at and can do almost effortlessly? Time and circumstances melt away into oblivion while you use this talent and it is productive and effective.  That's probably your gift.  Use it. It's time.   That doesn't mean you need to walk in your job with your letter of resignation tomorrow.  It may be that you will find a way to use your gift where you are working now.  Then you will find your career and sense of satisfaction quickly catapulted. It may be that you need an absolutely new environment for what God has gifted you to do. Or it could be that you are supposed to keep your job as a source of income and work your gift in isolation of your career. Only God knows. Pray about it.  Ask God to lead you into what he would have you do with your gift. Then work, work, work at it.  It's critical that you do.  God has given you that gift for reasons that go way beyond yourself. God has given you that gift because he wants you to use it for his purposes.  Your gift will meet someone else's need.  If you can't put your finger on what your gift is, ask Him to help you pinpoint it.  You certainly have one. Use it well and those wings that were once stuck and stifled will begin to spread like wildfire and command room be made for you. There will be no stopping you.
Prayer:  God your word says our gifts will make room for us.  Direct us in the use of our gifts.  Help us to use our strengths to strengthen others and to strengthen your kingdom here on earth.  May the talents you have blessed us with be a blessing and may our responsible use of these gifts bless us in return.

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