Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Place For Me

One of my favorite biographies of the Bible is the one of King David. When David was very young God sent the prophet Samuel to anoint David because God had preordained that he would be king. David went through hell and high water for several years after that and it appeared that he would never be king.  David faced battle after battle on his way to the throne.  He was belittled by his brother.  He was challenged by a giant opponent. And after having risked his own life for King Saul, King Saul vehemently sought out David's life out of jealousy. Nonetheless, just as God had established years before, David became king. One of the best.
I love this Biblical account because it tells us that it doesn't matter if things aren't going the way it seems they should.  God has established a place for us and after all is said and done, we will without fail arrive at that place. That place will be perfect for us and we will be perfect for that place.
Scripture: Psalm 37:34-40
Dear God, show us the place that you have established for each of us.  May we work, pray, and keep the faith as we each move to get there. May our trust in you always maintain because you are always faithful and true. Amen.

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