Sunday, May 12, 2013

Who's Your Momma?

From your creation, you are an intimate and integral part of your mother.  God has designed a mother's spirit, soul, and even her physical body to cover and keep her child.  So protecting, nurturing, and providing are innate to her.  A mother will go to great lengths to provide for her child and will, at all costs, keep them out of harm's way.  When a women is pregnant she carries that child with her when she wakes, when she sleeps, when she works, and when she rests.  She can be tired, sick, even near death...they still are never separate.  That never changes.  Long after a mother has physically parted from her child and her child is then grown and gone, a mother still wakes, sleeps, works, and rests carrying her child in her heart.  The love that a mother has for her child is second only to God's love.  When a mother safeguards her offspring, she is safeguarding herself because to lose her child would mean certain death for a great part of her.  A woman who doesn't portray relentless love for her baby only fails to do so because something traumatic in their lives has broken them rendering them unable to function as intended.  Who's your momma? Pray for her today. It doesn't matter if you never had a relationship with her or if she is the best mother on earth. Matters not if she is your birth mother, step mother, adopted mother, God mother, or play mother.  Pray for her and thank God for whatever good she has done for you.
                  Scripture: Exodus 20:12
Honor your father and thy mother: so your days may be long upon the land which the LORD your God gives you.
Lord please bless us to have the wisdom to honor our parents.  Also, give us the strength to honor parents who have been less than honorable.  Parent our children through us Lord that the earth would be full of your goodness. Amen.

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