I love a good battle scene. It is both horrible and beautiful when opposing forces clash in the interest of defending their beliefs, their will, and their honor. I think I am taken in by the spirit of a fighter because I understand that life requires that we all be warriors sometimes. There is a particular battle scene that is my favorite. In the movie Troy, Brad Pitt plays the character Achilles. Achilles is called upon to fight an opponent who is no less than giant. This giant was treacherous. This battle was ominous. This Achilles, small as he was in comparison to what he was up against, was victorious. The battle itself wasn't spectacular. No, it ended as quickly as it started. It was the fight in the fighter that was fabulous. Walk with me through the scene. The giant glares at Achilles with disdain. He thinks Achilles is no match for him. The giant sends up his war cry, makes up a bunch of noise, and the battle begins. The giant's supporters roar and cheer him on. Achilles supporters show no support. They don't believe he can win. Nonetheless, Achilles moves forward to fight. The giant hurls a spear and it pounds against Achilles shield. Achilles moves on forward. The giant hurls a second spear and it just misses Achilles. Achilles runs on, now moving at full speed, toward this beast of an opponent: never stopping, never looking back. Before anything could be said or done, Achilles' challenger is laid down. Achilles was up against insurmountable odds, but he overcame them. How did he do it? He used a very potent weapon. No, his weapon was not a sword. No, his weapon was not a spear. His weapon was fearlessness.
In the course of life, we too, come up against some very threatening opponents. You may be facing one now. Whatever you do, don't run the other way. Avoidance and cowardice are more of a threat than what you are up against could ever be. Understand that fear will come. Know that you must never bow down to it. Bowing down to fear makes fear your God. You have in essence said that your fear is greater than your God. That is a lie. What's true is: 1.) There is nothing too hard for God. 2.) God never fails. 3.) God doesn't give us a spirit of fear. 4.) God gives us power.
Walk in that power or fear will rob you of what's yours. The Bible says that you cannot serve two masters. And its true. You will either act based on what God says can be done or you will not act based on what fear says can't be done. You won't be able to do both.
Trusting anything more than you trust God always leads to some level of death. So when you avoid stepping out or stepping up in faith, you will lose something every time. So then what do you do when fear shows up? (We already said it surely will). You do it afraid. Whatever it is. Be afraid. Do it anyway. The Bible has shown us this principle works. In Genesis we are told about the family of Joseph. His brothers had gone to Egypt in search of food because there was a famine going on in their land. The brother's were directed to return home and to bring their brother Benjamin back to Egypt with them. The brothers' father, Israel, was afraid he would lose his sons if he sent them back. He had already lost his favored son Joseph. It was painful to face such a challenge. It was a fear he didn't want to face. He sent his son anyway. Following that, Israel was called to Egypt as well. He was afraid to go. Israel sought God and God told him to go on to Egypt. Israel obeyed and went, afraid. Israel chose to operate over fear rather than in fear. It was a life-changing, life-saving decision. Israel was reunited with his long-lost son, Joseph. All his kindred was saved from the famine and God multiplied his possessions and family exceedingly. The Bible tells many stories of people operating over fear (study Esther, Gideon, Moses...the list goes on). Even Jesus prayed to not have to face the challenge of sacrificing himself for our sins. Thank God Jesus operated over fear.
We must take fear for what it is. It is an indicator. Fear only serves the purpose of letting us know that we need to pray and prepare. We are warriors. We are built for victory. If we fight honorably under the leading of God, we can't lose. Fear is not our master. Move beyond it. Live above it. Get over it.
II Timothy 1:7
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind.
Psalm 34:4
I sought the Lord, and he heard me, and delivered from all my fears.
Lord, bless us to be strong and courageous. Bless us to operate over all fear knowing that you go with us wherever we go. Thank you Lord, because you never leave us nor forsake us. You love us. We are more than conquerors. Amen.