Walking on water means defying gravity by overcoming the things that weigh you down. It means doing the impractical. You have to step out and get your feet wet. You must get out of your comfort zone and take steps that push the envelope of your mindset. To walk on water you need faith. You have to believe that God can empower you to do more than you have ever been able to do. With his leading, you will be able to see beyond the apparent and create a new reality. This also requires work. God will call you to the water, but it's up to you to take the steps he's directing you to take. You can't be stagnant. If the water you've been walking on is a puddle. It's time to step it up to a pond. If you've already mastered the pond, move on to a lake, then a river, and then to an ocean. In other words, do something new in your life. Keep challenging yourself to do more and to be more.
Yes, we can walk on water, but God didn't build us to walk on water by ourselves. That is because if he did, we would keep on walking and would forget where we came from. On our own power, we would eventually get lost or sinksink. So to walk on water without peril, it is imperative that we stay connected with our creator. God knows the ins and outs of all waters, so we need his wisdom to stay afloat.
God wants us to defy the odds and do great things. We are a reflection of his power and majesty. So if you are feeling a nudge on the inside to get out of your box, pray to God for the wisdom to follow his lead. When you step out under his guidance, he will part the seas for you and sometimes he will just walk you right over them.
Scripture: John 14: 12-14
I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in me will do the same works that I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father. You can ask for anything in my name, and I will do it, so that the Son can bring glory to the Father. Yes, ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
Lord, compel and empower us to walk on water in our day to day lives. Help us to understand and operate in the truth that you have not give us a spirit of fear, but you have given us a spirit of power. May all that we venture to do be done in honor and respect of you.